Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today I am tackling canning tomatoes! I succeeded at doing peaches so I figured I would do tomatoes today. It's cooler today so it won't be as bad/hot in the kitchen as Tuesday!

I have been checking on my garden daily and luckily we haven't had any more visits from sir.eats-a-lot! We've picked about 6 tomatoes from the plant and there are more just about ready to be picked! I left them for Simon to pick cause there's a HUGE spider living on the tomato plant.

These are my yellow beans. We've eaten some already and there's many more to come! I told the small green ones that I'd be back for them in a couple days and I encouraged the flowers to make beans! The beans in this picture are freakishly large cause we were away for a week and no one did any harvesting in that time!

I was surprised to find so many peas out there! I almost forgot about the peas we planted because they didn't grow up the chicken wire as we had planned, they kinda grew along the ground, like a creeping plant! I think they were just reaching for the sun and fell over!

Alll right time to watch a bit of TV then tidy up the kitchen and make a mess canning tomatoes! At least it won't be as sticky as doing peaches!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are busy. I'm glad your garden is giving you something in spite of mr sir eatsalot. Cristal canned peaches last week, too.
