Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm not so good at this blogging thing...

Hello again!

It's been roughly a month since I posted anything on here.. hehe! I guess I'm not that good at this blogging thing.. But I have been getting some ideas since I've been reading my aunt's blog.. Fabric, Paper, Thread and Miranda's Just Add more Sprinkles blogs!

Since I started back in school I haven't had much time for much.. and nothing all that exciting's been going on out here! I will write some stuff more often, maybe.. I have some stuff I've been wanting to post, like a sum of all my canning with pictures.. and I would like to do the 'What's in my purse' thing Miranda did the other day...

I promise I will do this, but for right now I have procrastinated enough (with changing the layout etc.) and need to do some homework before Simon comes home!!!

Until then..

1 comment:

  1. It's always fun to read whatever you post. It's like a peek into your world off there in Ottawa!

    Sometimes I feel like my posts are quite boring, but I put them up anyway!
