Thursday, April 26, 2012

Second Page Done + Growing Boy!

This quiet book sure is coming along! Here is my second page completed! It was fairly easy. I also had a really good idea of what I wanted to do. I got my inspiration here. There are some other pages from that blog that I will be using :) For now I'm taking a break from the quiet book because I need to buy some more colours of felt. I will be working on details and backgrounds until I can get more felt for my animals. This book is going to be jungle/safari animal themed since that's what all Liam's stuff is (his bedroom set, receiving blankets etc.)

The ribbons for the lion's mane are sewn under the face but otherwise loose for little hands to grab. One neat thing is that the thickest and thinnest orange ribbon is from our wedding!

Here's also some updated pictures of Liam. He's growing so much. Sometimes I'm sure he's bigger in the mornings than when I put him to bed at night! He's rolling up a storm. Right now he's on the far side of the living room under the coffee table (that I moved out of his way so he could roll). When he figures out crawling he's going to be gone so fast! I would like him to learn to sit up on his own, but he might just skip that cause he doesn't like to sit still. He's a very active baby!

In these pictures from top left (going clockwise) he's going for a walk in his new hat, first time having rice cereal, sitting with grandpa with his new sunglasses, hanging out with daddy, first time in the grass (didn't mind it at all, but mostly wanted to grab the camera), and bath time with daddy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One page done!

Here is the first page that I've finished for Liam's quiet book! It actually didn't seem to take that much time! I have been working on it every chance I could get the last couple days though.

The birds move along the rope.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Accidental soufflés

Hello again!

It seems as if I've been slacking from blogging.. Big time! This is *hopefully* my come back! Liam has started having a 2-hour nap every afternoon, so that gives me time to do some things that I like to do!

Right now I'm working on planting a garden. I also started a quiet (felt) book for Liam's first birthday (so I have about 6 months to do it!).

Today I was making lemon meringue pie. And since I loooove lemon pie filling but dislike meringue I did a trick that my mom did last time and folded the beaten egg whites into the filling. Hers was light and fluffy and lemony... Mine turned out egg white-y and not so good. I think it's cause I had an oops with one egg white/yolk and ended up with 4 whites and 3 yolks in my recipe. Anywho I decided to bake my tarts and put the leftover filling into ramekins and bake that as well. This is what I ended up with! And they promptly fell.. But it tastes deeelish!