Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August = fun times!

It's August!
This brings many-a-birthday-and-anniversary in my family!

It was Simon and my 4th anniversary on August 5th so we went on a vacation! We drove to Toronto to visit some friends then off to Niagara falls for a week! Simon's been there, but I hadn't and it was really fun! We went on the Maid of the Mist and did the Journey Behind the Falls, went on a winery tour in Niagara-on-the-Lake, watched fireworks, are WAY overpriced food and just relaxed a bit! Here are some of the highlights of the trip...

While we were in Niagara we picked up about 30lbs of peaches to can!

This is my mission today: Can as many peaches as possible! The first batch is currently in the canner and as I type I can feel that I am still sticky!

It's taking forever to boil though... I just called my mom and left a message.. We'll see if it starts to boil.. Its a good thing I didn't start the next batch right away! I might start another batch in my second canner cause Simon will be home from work in about an hour and half and I would like the kitchen to be clean by then!

OooOOooooOO It's boiling!

I'm hoping to also can tomatoes and make salsa and pasta sauce. We'll see how much I get done (not all today!) Luckily for me I'm not working much this week!

P.S. this is me filling up the canner with water...

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you. Canning peaches all by yourself. You always left me 1/2 way through. I did 8 jars of raspberry jam and 17 of the peach/blackberry. I have enough blackberry to mix with some raspberry and make a field berry jam too. Only one batch tho. Don't know who is going to eat it as Dad is not suppose to eat sugar and I don't eat toast. Normally. Love you Mom
