Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What I've been up to...

Homework, lots to do!
Can't wait for semester end,
Then more time for me!

This semester has been pretty crazy! It's been about 2 years since I've taken 5 courses in one semester! Even working the meager 10 hours a week takes its toll! Hopefully my few weeks between semesters (and one week at home.. in BC!) will recharge me for my craaaazy last semester! Next semester I'm taking 6 (yes! 6!) courses so I can graduate in April!!! There even another course I would looove to take, so I'm considering asking to take 7... And I obviously won't be able to work next semester. That's okay with me!

Anywho! In the few and far between times that I shirk off my school/homework duties, I end up in the kitchen! A couple weeks ago I was in the grocery store and noticed these huge heads of cabbage for really cheap, so I bought a nice big one! It sat in the fridge for awhile cause I had no time to make time-consuming food, but I finally made Cabbage Rolls!! mmMMmm!

These ones are to freeze for lazy lunches/dinners...

and these are the ones we ate that night!

Cheap winter veggie,
means food for Simon and me.
Tastes just like mom's did!

That only used about half the head of cabbage, so last night I made Borscht! MmmMmm! It was just like my mom made when I was growing up (except I used pork instead of beef cause I don't eat cow!)

Borscht, borscht in my tummy,
One bowl for me, two for him.
Fresh biscuits go best!

And finally... drum roll.... I made apple pies with the apples from Quebec city, because they were starting to get soft/mushy and needed to be used asap!

One large one to eat.
Made from imported apples :p
Four small ones to freeze.

I really want to get started on Christmas crafts and Christmas shopping! I would normally have my shopping done by now, but school has taken precedence! I have managed to order some things online so that saves me from going to the mall!


  1. You have been very busy! Your cabbage rolls look yummy. I should make some of those - haven't made them for years because my kids don't like them. I think it was the Ecuadorian cabbage that turned them off - too tough and strong tasting.

    It will be wonderful to see you at Christmas!

  2. Wow, I don't think I have ever had a cabbage leaf that big. Glad Simon likes cabbage. I think you have been in the kitchen more than I have. Enjoy your time in the kitchen but don't forget about your studies (your mom voice talking) Love Mom
