Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to "real" life


Sorry I didn't quite finish the 31 days of pictures... I couldn't think of anything for the last one.. let's just call it 30 days of pictures then :p

Simon's back to work today. I think it was tough for him to get up this morning. I don't remember much, I was sleeping, but I noticed there's a piece of bread in the toaster on the counter, I'm not sure if he forgot it, or made too many? It's been tough for us to get back into a sleep routine since we've been back from BC, because neither of us has had anything we needed to be up for in the morning so we've stayed up late and slept in late. I've also had a cold so I use that as an excuse to sleep all the time :p I don't start school until tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, I have an 8:30am class, yuck! And then I have classes until 8:30 pm. Well I have my first class from 8:30-10am then 2:30-4pm and then 5:30-8:30pm. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do in those 4.5 hours between class, not sure if it's worth coming home with a 20 minute bus ride both ways. I think I might check out the gym on campus... We'll see how long that lasts, or maybe I'll just sleep in the pool area? (not in the pool) Simon and I used to do that at UBC.. well I mean we studied in the pool area seating... It's nice and warm and decently quiet, lulling sounds of water etc. It was a popular study/sleep area.

Well I have a long list of things to do today... I should get going!

Here's what I made the other day... there's lots left if anyone would like any!!! Simon had never had them before, and the neighbours loved them!
Happy New Year (cookies)! 

(Portzelky... Oli Bolen... New Year's Cookies)


  1. Ooh, that's a long day ahead of you. Libraries are quiet places to catch a few winks, or even study! Good for you for making portzelky - I never liked them so I've never made them. It's the currants, I think.
    Good to see you over the holidays, although I feel like I never get to really chat with anyone at those big family dos.

  2. oh yummy! Tony has been doing the same thing where he stays up late, and now he has class today. He has barely gotten back to a regular sleep schedule. Silly boy.
