Friday, July 22, 2011

Week 24 1/2

Here is my week 24 belly photo as promised! 

It's actually almost a week 25 photo, but that's okay. I'm officially 6 months along! And FINALLY starting to show for real! People actually notice now. Some people are weird about it... they look me up and down and keep walking past.. it's kind of weird. Yes I have a baby growing in my belly. Some people at work will talk to me about it, some just kind of stare and some ignore it (or don't notice). A couple customers at work have told me I shouldn't be on my feet all day. I should ask them to get me an office job. One girl (no older than me, probably a bit younger, but older than 20) the other day came out of her fitting room (I'd been helping her the entire time) to give me back the clothes she didn't want and she just gasped and went "awww!" I guess she hadn't noticed t-rex until then. Silly girl.

I think this picture will be the last day I will wear those capris. They left horrible marks on my lower belly last night at work and made my belly really itchy. I really like them, they're linen and really nice for this heat. Also this tank top, I should invest in more. It's from Dynamite and is a "bubble" top, supposed to be loose and flow-y. It hangs on really nicely. And finally I got new sandals! I've wanted some really good supportive shoes all summer and finally Simon thought that yes it's worth the extra expense (I also thought they were expensive and I could go without). They're real Birkenstocks! My arches hurt the first couple days wearing them, but now they're great! The support is really nice. I was getting tired of wearing closed shoes (flats) with insoles; my feet were getting so hot!

I am sorry to talk about the heat for all you BCers. I was thinking yesterday that all we do here in Ottawa/Ontario is complain about the cold in the winter (cause it's so cold!) and the heat in the summer! And then this spring was pretty rainy (for Ottawa standards) and people just complained about the rain! I guess the best/only months to be in Ottawa are September and October (if it doesn't rain too much!) Simon and I were talking about moving back to BC in the near future. One of our concerns is the rain. I don't think we're used to it anymore, although I miss the sound of rain on the windows/roof. Even though our winters are needlessly cold and summers ridiculously humid/hot, it is sunny a lot of the time!

Well that's all for now :) Enjoy your weekend :)


  1. I think you'd get used to the rain again. Was the snow hard to get used to when you moved to ontario?

  2. I don't know about ever getting used to the snow... It's nice the first time it snows, but then you realize that this first snowfall is going to last for the next 4ish months and it gets old fast! I was never a big fan of snow anyways, just the first fall then it could melt!
