What did I do you ask?
I came home from work, put on comfy clothes and reheated some supper.. After eating I made some tea, by putting a mug of water in the fridge... cause that's gonna heat it up! In my defense the fridge is right next to the microwave...
oh boy!
Simon met me for lunch at work today :) it was nice, we went to subway right by where we used to live downtown. He then drove me back to work... but 3-4 blocks PAST where I work.. and he was already late for work so I just walked back, it was silly cause he thought he had to drive me further still and I was asking where he was going! We've switched roles now! On Wed/Thurs I work 9-5 and Simon's working 1-9 so he sleeps in and I have to get up by myself. I liked it much better when I could sleep in and he went to work!
I wanted to take a picture of what I made for supper.. made last night, ate tonight. We have a problem that by the end of the week there's only one of us home for meal time at any given time so we have a lack of leftovers. I've been making a dinner at night on wed so we have something to eat thurs and fri. Last night I made seven layer dinner mmm and I accidentally peeled/cut too many potatoes so I just made 2 casserole dishes of it! mmm!! I was going to take a picture, like I said above, but I sat on the couch when I got home from work and haven't wanted to get back up! I also want to make cake/brownies/cookies or something cause we don't have any in the house (what is this world coming to!! I must stop working so I can stay home and bake!) but we don't have cocoa for the texas sheet cake I want to make, soooo too bad we'll just have to look at the picture of it from the last time I made it and drooooool!
I was also supposed to (well not supposed to, but needed to) do the dishes and run the dishwasher tonight.. that still might get done, but for now I'm chillaxin on the couch. I was watching tv then the show I was watching was over so I played Solitaire and now I'm typing this! I feel super lazy! I can't remember when I ever worked this much! Oh probably right after I came home from europe (IN 2004!) and worked part time at Save-On AND full time for Elections BC... yep the last time I really worked! I personally liked last summer, lived with mom and dad and did close to nothing all summer!! Simon says he can't wait until I work full time so I can appreciate how much money things cost... I don't know if this will work... I think I'd just spend more :P
Okay I'm starting to feel a slight amount of guilt for not doing anything around the house now.. I should at least close the curtains and turn on some lights cause its dark now...
Maybe I'll have a nap before Simon gets home! hehe shhhh!!!!
Later dudes!
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